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A penguin without limits.

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paco gif
Paco Dance GIFPaco Dance GIF easteregg



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“I am here to bring back fun and creativity to solana, fuck old memes, let's write history.”

- Paco

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“I am here to bring back fun and creativity to solana, fuck old memes, let's write history.”

- Paco

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“First you, then your friends, then your mom. Pacostyle.”

- Paco

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“First you, then your friends, then your mom. Pacostyle.”

- Paco

Meme with paco

Generate a version of paco that look like you, your friends, or your favorite celebrity.

How to buy

1. Create a wallet that supports Solana.
We recommend using Solflare or Phantom.
Make sure to save your seedphrase in a secure location.


2. Get some Solana (SOL) on your wallet.
You can buy SOL on an exchange and send it to your wallet.
If you transfer some SOL to your wallet, make sure to verify the address to avoid losing your funds.

3. Swap your SOL for PACO.
Go on and connect your wallet. Then swap your SOL for PACO.
The contract address just below if you need it:AbK6..

paco gif